Suggestions and Complaints

  • The Practice Manager and the Partners handle all complaints about our services.
  • If you wish to raise a complaint please either contact the Practice Manager by telephone, letter or email. 
  • We record all complaints we receive. We write to say we have received a written complaint within three working days of receiving it, if the complaint was received via email we will reply to the email stating we have received the complaint. We aim to respond to all complaints within 25 working days.
  • Where a complaint is about a doctor, you have the right to choose to discuss this with another doctor in the practice if you wish.
  • Use of the practice complaints procedure does not take away your right to make a complaint to other bodies. However, we find that the sooner we are made aware of your problem, the sooner we can resolve it and make sure that it does not happen again. This is your practice and we want to work with you to make it the best.



Please click here to download the practice complaints procedure