Weight Management

How to stay healthy 

How to keep fit and healthy 

Keeping active, eating well and good weight management are the key to a healthy lifestyle. 
There is lots of helpful information on the Croydon Council website​ - including details of cooking and gardening classes on the Food Flagship page, or take a look at the free weight management services for adults and children and all the physical activity opportunities you can take part in.  ​

weight management


Leisure centres in Croydon

There is a list of all the leisure centres in Croydon and an A to Z of all sports and physical activities in the borough on the Croydon Council website.


Further information ​

In addition, read about the benefits of keeping active, eating healthily and maintaining a good weight on the following pages on this site:

Visit the Change 4 Life website for more information and support to make simple, healthy changes to your life.
The Get Healthy London website also aims to help get Londoners talking about what they can do to be healthier every day.     


Healthy eating

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to keep healthy and well. Eating healthily is simple. Try:

  • eating a wide range of foods;
  • eating lots of fruit and vegetables;
  • keeping an eye on your calorie intake; and 
  • drinking plenty of water.​

Croydon Food Flagship

Croydon has recently become a food flagship borough. You can find a range of advice, tools and healthy eating facts and local services available to help you on the:

You can learn how to prepare healthy meals for your family, achieve a balanced diet and how to become an expert calorie counter. For specific information on eating well with type 1 and type 2 diabetes go to the living with diabetes page in this section.


Maintaining a healthy weight

Being overweight or obese usually happens when people eat more calories than they need to. A healthy diet and active lifestyle should help you manage your weight. 
People come in all shapes and sizes and a healthy weight for you might be different to your friends and family. The easiest and simplest way to check if you are a healthy weight is by measuring your Body Mass Index (BMI). 
To find out about the health risks associated with obesity and more tips on how to lose weight and also a BMI calculator go to The NHS Choices website​ ​.


Free adult and child weight management services in Croydon

The London Borough of Croydon is working with Weight Watchers to help residents who are aged over 16 to improve their health and lose weight. 

Adults who qualify for the Weight Watchers Referral Scheme can attend 12 free Weight Watchers classes and access online support. You will be supported and motivated by trained leaders at various stages of your weight loss journey.
Find out more about the scheme on the council website​ and speak to your GP to check if you are eligible for referral. ​


Free healthy weight advice and support for families and children 

Alive ‘N’ Kicking is a free children’s lifestyle weight management service that helps overweight children, young people and their families to reach and maintain a healthier weight.

Provided by The London Borough of Croydon, the service supports families with children aged 4-12 years to improve their lifestyle, physical fitness and nutrition habits.

Those who are eligible can register for a free 12 week Alive ‘N’ Kicking programme. 

Contact the Alive ‘N’ Kicking team to find out if you qualify to attend this service. Telephone 020 3757 6598 or email croydon@ank.uk.com.

Visit the Alive and Kicking website for more information.


Keeping active in Croydon​

The benefits of regular exercise

Keeping fit is brilliant for your health. Regular exercise is the cheapest and best way to stay well. 

It makes you feel better and gives you more energy but most importantly it can reduce your risk of major illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer by up to 50 per cent.

Thirty minutes a day of a steady physical activity is highly recommended, and activities such as walking, swimming, yoga and cycling can help your body and mind stay in tip-top shape.

Croydon council’s Get Up & Go! Guide​ is packed with a variety of physical activity opportunities in the borough from free cycling lessons, swimming, top tips for becoming active and lots more. 
The council’s website includes a list of all leisure centres in Croydon and an A to Z of all sports and physical activities in the borough. ​



The NHS Choices fitness pages provide a guide to how much exercise is right for you, help you find a type of exercise that you will enjoy and tell you more about the benefits of regular exercise and keeping active.


Get Active London 

The Get Active London search box can help you find ways you can become more active in your local area.